Illustration Friday: Spring Daffodils

Lately I've been inspired with all the spring daffodils popping up here in Indiana. Pictured below are a few of the varieties that I have planted at home. I don't know if I could ever name a favorite flower (peonies! forget-me-nots! ranunculuses! dahlias!) but the daffodil is pretty high up on my list. 


At my first design job out of college, the art director often planned fun creative exercises to keep us on our toes. One of my favorites was called Illustration Friday. Every few weeks, we would decide on a theme or specific word and block out an hour or so to come up with a fun design or illustration that was inspired by the theme. 

Eight years later and I still try to keep up with Illustration Friday as often as I can, especially when I've hit a creative block. It's a fun way to experiment and try new techniques, too. 


This morning, I drew some inspiration from my daffodils and took a little break to illustrate them. I created all the shapes in Illustrator and added some stippling texture with Photoshop.

I'm such a sucker for stippling and the contrast of bright colors on a dark background. Definitely a fun way to spend a Friday morning and celebrate some springtime beauty! 

Photoshop Editing

One of my favorite tasks as a graphic designer (next to selecting typography, pickin' Pantone swatches, going crazy with the Pen tool, and laughing at ridiculous stock photos...) is the subtle art of editing a photo.

For a recent poster project, it was impossible to get the right photo we needed in the middle of winter. So, I took a photo under a gray wintery sky and used Photoshop to add a vibrant sunrise behind the truck, warmed up the foreground, and made sure to allow the sun to show through the windows and reflect off the truck body.  





Nothing more satisfying than a before and after!